Join the amazing and experienced Astanga vinyasa and Rocket Yoga Teacher Hanne Konstantin for at playful, sweaty and energy boosting workshop adding a variety of arm balances, lifts and handstand to a physically challenging Rocket Yoga Flow.
Rocket Yoga was developed by Astanga Yoga teacher Larry Schultz while he was touring with the rock band The Greatful Dead for several years. The Structure of Rocket yoga is inspired by Astanga yoga and the yoga poses will be familiar from Astanga, just put together in a different sequence with transitions inviting you to do arm balances, lift and handstand – with modification if needed. Watch video about Rocket Yoga.
Rocket Yoga is pretty new in Denmark, but has a lot of practitioners in the USA. This workshop is an introduction to Rocket Yoga and we will aim to keep the Rocket flow, but when working on the transitions in between poses, we will take time to go through the technique.
The workshop will be finished of with a calming Yoga Niedra balancing the energy.
This workshop is for every one who enjoys a physically challenging practice. Your practice doesn't have to be very advanced for you to join - there will be modifications to the poses.
About Hanne Konstantin
Hanne has since 1996 been practicing Astanga Yoga and has been a teacher since 1998. In 2015 she opened har own studio Everyday Yoga at Islands Brygge. She has a thorough knowledge about anatomy and physiology.
Hanne has joined many teacher trainings and different Astanga workshops. Her latest dicovery and love, Rocket Yoga, she joined a teacher training in San Francisco in 2016, and is now the only one i Denmark teaching Rocket Yoga.
Price: 300 kr.